1. KidsRKids
First on our list as one of the best daycares in Oviedo is KidsRKids. Their innovative child programs are absolutely the best, with technologies integrated classes, highly trained staff, and two accreditations. The environment of this daycare is inspiring, which is what your child needs. Things that made this daycare splendid are the protected 24/7 live video streaming of your child’s classroom, STEAM lab, indoor gymnasium, numerous extra-curricular activities, and much more. As a family-owned daycare, they strive to offer you the best care for your child. The classes are interactive and so much fun for a kid.
2. Ladybird Academy
It is an accredited childcare provider that offers high-quality programs for your kids. Their environment is unparalleled, inspiring, conducive, and safe for a child to play and learn. This daycare is a member of F.A.C.C.M. and N.C.C.A. They boast of qualified staff whose jobs are to teach values and keep your kids entertained and safe. What about the food? They offer a nutrition program that helps your child receives fresh and balanced meals daily. If you’re looking for the first learning point for your kid, Ladybird Academy has been doing well in that regard.
3. Creative World School
Nicholas and Amanda Rolon are the founders of this daycare. Since their inception, their impact is evident in all of Oviedo. If you’re looking for a quality learning experience for your child, then this school is probably worth considering. According to their website, they aim to inspire, to promote curiosity at every learning level. That is an attribute that every child needs to develop at a very tender age. To start early and breed your kids to the path of learning, Creative World School promises to perform excellently in that regard.
4. KinderCare
This daycare claims to be more than educators. Based on their programs, they can’t be far from the truth. Through their numerous school programs, they help give your child the necessary foundation for growth. They are exceptional at inspiring kids to think big, to feel stronger, and to aim high in life. A look at their various classrooms and you will feel almost at home. In their multiple classes, they build, create, and even cook a fabulous, imaginary feast. The environment is safe, with highly trained teachers that serve as a pillar to help them grow and develop who they are. In the long run, teachers become part of that family.
5. Kid City U.S.A.
According to this daycare’s website, Kid City is “Where Kids Can BEE. kids.” Well, that makes a lot of sense, judging by our fast-paced world. They are committed to making sure they provide a home filled with love for your kids. They have highly qualified staff that helps for the mental development of your child, with incredible programs that sill sensitizes your kids to learn, to build, and think. They encourage creativity, and through their sessions, they can bring out the creative talents of each child. What more? They are best at what they do.
6. StarChild Academy
Another impressive daycare in Oviedo is StarChild Academy. They aim at creating a foundation for success. They claim to stand above and beyond the typical preschools and childcare centers. A look at the programs and you will understand what they mean by that postulation. They offer the very best in personal development and safety. According to their website, they accept your child without regard to race, religion, or national origin. They have incredible staff with a conducive environment that facilitates learning for the young ones. If you’re looking for the best daycare in Oviedo, this academy is worth giving a try.
7. All About Kids of Oviedo
This daycare has been in the industry for more than 45 years, and they claim to be best at what they do. They provide enriching educational services, coupled with after-school care. If you’ve been looking for the ideal place to enroll your kids, perhaps this might be the perfect place. They are accredited and have qualified teachers that help bring out the best in your kids. To them, your needs come first, and they strive to offer the best. They also offer classes during the summer.
8. KidENation
Another excellent destination for your kid in Oviedo is KidENation. Aside from the highly nutritious foods which they offer, their curriculum is incredible. They allow each child to develop at their pace and level. They also provide some physical education programs that consist of outdoor play, health, yoga, and so much more. They have qualified and passionate staff that takes maximum care of the kids, and also nurture them to become the best they can be. Every kid deserves a foundation, and that is what KidENation is offering in Oviedo.
9. Sweetwater Kids Academy
Since its inception, this incredible academy has stood out from numerous others in Oviedo. They provide a warm and creative environment from which your child can grow. One of the ingredients that foster creativity is a conducive envelopment. With the help of passionate and well-trained staff, your child can wow you through their capabilities. Also, they strive to nurture every aspect of the child, ranging from physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. When it comes to giving the best care to a child, this daycare in Oviedo is excellent at that. They are worth a try.